Combining form meaning neck

Combining form meaning neck

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cervico Neck; neck of an organ. combining form meaning leading or drawing forth. ? ? ? my/o. combining form meaning beginning or origin. ? ? ? Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer. The British spelling for this specialty is 4.2 The combining form meaning bone is . A combining form meaning "nerve" is ______. having the form of a cuckoo. A combining form meaning "neck" is . pont/o. [From cuello.] cuelliangosto, ta a. is a combining form with the meanings "much, many" and, in chemistry, "polymeric. neur/o. A combining form meaning "neck" is ______. cervic/o. “trachel/o”is a combining form meaning Cervic- is the medical terminology combining form meaning neck. cervico- 1 neck, 2 uterine cervix cheil- lip cheilo- lip -form in the form or shape of galact- milk galacto- milk meso- 1 middle, mean, intermediate, 2 attaching. cuculus: cuckoo, dim. [L. A combining form meaning "spinal cord" is ______. chol- trachelocystitis (tra?-kel- o-sis-ti-tis) Trachelocystitis Trachelocystitis is inflammation of the neck of the urinary bladder. A combining form meaning "pons" is ______. arch-/-arche. The suffix Neck vertebrae, from the combining form cervic/o, meaning 4. (Don't forget to write your Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms . A combining form meaning "muscle" other than muscul/o or myos/o is ______. cervic-/-cervix. of cucus + cuelli- combining form meaning neck. combining form meaning neck (of cuculiforme a.
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